Friday, January 25, 2008

Why is it so hard to be thankful?

This morning, I got up and decided that I was just going to be thankful for this new day. It's sort of like a chance to make things good all over again.

Delaney went to school this morning upset with me. She's had a spot on her leg for 3 days that she won't let me touch. She says it hurts. It's red, swollen, looks like an infected ingrown hair or something. Finally she let the nurse look at it at school, and the nurse called me & said it's ok. If it looks worse or she gets a fever, take her to the doctor. I took some ibuprofen to the school for her. I pray it goes away soon. With all the talk of staph infection, it really concerned me!

I made quiche for dinner last night, and realized that we only had 1 egg left. I was worried about where I was going to find money to buy eggs! Ugh. I'm so tired of being this broke. What did we do to deserve this!?

Anyhow, I remembered I had a Walgreens gift card because I had filed for a rebate a couple of months ago. It's only $8, but it would buy eggs! So I went into Walgreens for eggs. I bought the last 2 dozen because they were cheaper than Wal-Mart anyhow! Praise the Lord!

I came home, and I figured I'd better vacuum since Mike's coming home tonight (yes, I crisis clean before my hubby comes home. lol!)... I was vacuuming along, thanking God that we were able to pay the electric bill this month so that I could vacuum the carpet. Then all of a sudden, I smelled something. I think the belt is going bad on the vacuum cleaner.

Why does something that I am thanking God for become something that seems like such a burden so quickly!? God knows I have $3 in my wallet. He knows that our checking account is empty. He knows that I have the feeling there won't be a paycheck this week. He knows that both of the moms I babysit for both forgot to pay me this week, for some unknown reason. Why does this stuff have to happen when I can't do a darn thing about it?

Ugh. I stewed for a few minutes, and remembered again how thankful I was to have electricity. And gas to run the furnace and water heater. And firewood to keep us warm. And so much more!

Why can't I just be thankful all the time instead of getting myself into a pity party over the silliest little thing!? Sometimes it is so hard, but I try to count my blessings anyhow. It seeems to make me feel better to remember my blessings instead of miserable like the pity party makes me feel!