Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My kids are outgrowing all their things!

Wow... I hate to say this (or maybe it's just really hard to admit to myself!), but Jenna is starting to outgrow some of the toys we have in our back yard. And Delaney is getting to big for our small swing set. What happened to my little girls? They're growing way too fast.

I don't think I had prepared myself for this... I knew they would need new clothes for the summer, but new play equipment, too? Yikes. Delaney is STILL growing so fast it's hard to keep her in clothes for one season. I thought (hoped!) she would slow down at some point! And Jenna is so tall and skinny that it's hard to get pants that fit her right... if they're small enough in the waist, they're too short. I'm so glad it's finally time for capris and shorts! She may have to wear dresses from here on out if she doesn't put on some weight around the middle. lol!
I guess I'm just feeling a little sentimental this morning... missing the little bitty kids I had at one point.

I mean... they're supposed to look like this!

Gosh... it's so hard to believe that was three years ago, and now they look like this!

Jenna just turned 3 this month

And Delaney is 7 1/2. HOW did THAT happen!?

Ok... I'm gonna go cry now.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Ice Cream & Potato Chips... Yeah, it's PMS alright!

I always know it's really PMS when I have the craving for ice cream & potato chips. Not together or at the same time, but I crave both of them! It's like I need something sweet, then I need to follow it up with something salty. Like french fries with a chocolate Frosty. Strange, but yummy. And necessary, it almost seems!

Am I the only one who craves things like that?

I also feel like I can't stop eating. I can't have one handful of chips. I'll seriously eat half the bag. And then I'll find something else to munch on! And then, of course I feel really terrible after eating like that!

If anyone tells my kids I had Brownie Batter ice cream (yummy!) after they went to bed, I'm gonna be really mad! I think they already believe there's a party here after they're asleep! lol! ;-)

P.S. No, I am NOT pregnant... just figured I'd just go ahead and clear that up before anyone asks. :-D

Please tell me I'm not alone here! Not that I want anyone else to be like this, but it makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one out there!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

10 on the 10th

Here are 10 pictures I took today! My theme for today is "Signs of Spring".

This first one is downtown... it rained so much over night that the creek was coming out of its banks!

Here's a different view... there's a bridge under there!

This is what it looks like in my back yard. There is water way up around the pool, and it's a soggy mess back there!


Azaleas are blooming...

Creeping Phlox is beautiful out by the little goldfish pond... Apple tree is all blossomed out, so pray we don't have a hard freeze! :)

Here's the pile of lumber we bought to finish out our privacy fence in the back yard...

Here's where it's supposed to go, and I pray that it gets done before Christmas 2010! Ha ha... :pAnd here's the little spot I cleared out by accident when I set the leaves on fire over the winter... (for those who don't recall, I dumped out ashes I thought were cold, but it turned out they were still hot and set some leaves on fire!). It was a little bit brushy back there, but not anymore! Oops!

ABCs of the things I love

ABCs of the things I love!

A-apples, avocados, antiques

B-babies, blueberry pancakes, butterflies, beach, blackberry cobbler

C-Coke, church, cross, candles, chocolate, cherries, coffee, Christmas, cake

D-Delaney, daughters, dad, dogwoods

E-egg salad, enchiladas, earrings

F-flip flops, French fries, friends

G-guacamole, gum, giggling

H-husband, hyacinths, hugs from my babies

I-internet, ice cream, iced tea

J-Jenna, jelly, Jesus, jewelry

K-kids, kisses from my sweeties

L-lasagna, little girls, laughter

M-Mike, mom, movies, music

N-naps, nachos

O-Old Navy, ocean

P-potato soup, pasta, peaches (esp. peach cobbler!), photography, pictures, pajamas, purple, petit fours


R-rainbows, restaurants, relaxing

S-singing, sunny days, stamping, scrapbooking, shoes, snacks, summer

T-Tinkerbell, tamales, tulips, tacos, traveling, tea parties

U-under the covers (sleep!), USA, underwear that stays put!

V-vacation, vanilla

W-washing machine, waterfalls, webkinz, weddings


Y-yogurt, yellow roses

Z-zoo, zany moods