Saturday, January 12, 2008

Interview with the kiddos

Have you ever interviewed your kids? I thought this would be fun this morning... since I'm trying to be more fun and less of a stick-in-the-mud. LOL!

Here are the results of our interview... I think they're kinda funny. :)

DELANEY (age 7)

Favorite....Color(s): pink
Food: oranges & grapes
Drink: tea
Candy: flavored candy canes
Ice Cream: cookie dough
Dessert: chocolate pie
Game: polly pocket or webkinz (websites)
Movie: Alvin and the Chipmunks
Song: one from church, but I can’t remember what it’s called
Music Group: the church group
Book: Polly Pocket & Strawberry Shortcake books
Animal: little Chihuahuas like Molly
Outfit: My bright orange one
When I grow up, I want to be: a teacher (maybe)
My best Friend is: Makayla
because: I like to play with her.
My other friends: Lilly, Faith, Madison from school, and her last name is Hodge. And Tita Lor and Ashley.
I like to collect: marbles, beads (sometimes)

JENNA (age 2 1/2)

Color(s): orange
Food: fruit, bananas, apples
Drink: tea (lol, she never drinks tea!)
Candy: chocolate
Ice Cream: chocolate
Dessert: MM's
Game: Ashes, Ring 'round a rosie (these are the same thing)
Movie: Elmo (I don't think she’s ever even watched Elmo! LOL!), Wiggles
Song: ABCs, Twinkle Little Star, Bitsy Spider
Music Group: Don't know!
Book: Ducky
Animal: puppy dog
Outfit: dress
When I grow up, I want to be: ummm.... person
My best Friend is: ummmm…. I don’t know! I like to play with Camryn.
My other friends: Garrett, Allie, Logan, Grant, Morgan (these are all kids in the church nursery!)
What do you like to collect? I like to collect! I like baby dolls.