Friday, March 14, 2008

Looking forward to spring break

This week has been pretty good... The weather has been great these past few days, and we have spent a lot of time in the back yard. The kids have been able to get out and run, swing and slide!

Finally the sun is shining, and I think it's lifted my mood a bit... I don't feel as grumpy as I've been feeling. I had gotten to a point where I felt like I could tear something up, and I don't like feeling that way!

I am glad for spring break next week, as I could use a little break from getting up at 6 am to be sure Delaney and I are both ready for the day... and I could also use a break from babysitting. It's nice to get a week "off" to relax! So relax is what we plan to do most. We might do a movie one day. Maybe lunch out someplace fun... We'll just have to see what the budget allows.

I really hope to buy both of the girls something new for Easter next week... Hopefully we'll be able to spend a little time shopping, even though we don't have an over-abundance of money to spend. Right now I'm just grateful that we have enough to keep the electricity on and all of us fed. I feel like I'm learning as I go... :)