Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt

We had our church's Easter egg hunt today... the girls & I all went, along with my parents, my sister-in-law & my nieces.

I was in charge of the nursery age group since I'm the nursery class coordinator, so I had Jenna's group. She got 7 eggs in her basket, and she was excited to open them up and find candy inside.

Delaney was in a different group, so I didn't get to see much of her. She came home with 33 eggs!

I would love to post pictures of them, but I am still working with an old-fashioned film camera... so perhaps I can post pictures of them in a few days! :)

Mike is on his way home, and he will probably arrive around 5 am. I really don't know that he will make it to church with us tomorrow morning, but I can hope!

We're supposed to go to Mike's mom's house tomorrow afternoon, so we'll see if I get the chance to finish up my roll of film and get the pictures developed. I may just need to take the girls out in our back yard for a mini photo-shoot to finish it off!


Wendy said...

33 eggs!! Holy Cow...was she picking up all the ones that fell from other kids' baskets? Hehee. ;-)
Glad you had fun!! We did, too. I miss seeing you, girl. We need to have another cafemom group thing soon. Maybe just all meet at the park before long...