Remember that pretty bradford pear tree in my front yard by the corner?
Well... it's gone. At least, three fourths of it is gone. Laying out in the street. It's blocking my driveway, and I'm going to have to drive over the curb by the mailbox to get out. All that's left standing is a sprig... it looks pretty pitiful!
And the beautiful blue tarp on my hubby's lovely pickup blew off, so I get to go fix that. It's sort of necessary to put the tarp back on since the hood and one of the doors are taking up valuable space inside my garage. (Otherwise I would leave the silly thing!) Oh, happy day. lol

I am very grateful this is our only damage from the storm last night. I could not believe how hard the wind was blowing!
School is canceled today due to the weather... and being the curious bird that I am, I want to get out and drive around to survey the damage. If I do get to that, I'll take my camera & post what I find... I have a feeling there must be power lines down in some places or they would not have canceled school.
Where we live there is an electric box right beside the house. They put it in for the casino across the street, to ensure that their electric did not go out for more than a minute. It works because that's about how long ours was out this morning... (Of course, we all probably know that Cherokee Nation decided to use someone else for their electricity AFTER our city spent oodles and gobs of money on that project (and tore the heck out of my front yard all summer last year!), but that's another story altogether!)
I know my parents were out of electricity at 4:20 am... not sure if it's back on yet. My mom said they had trees down all over (of course the dead tree in the front was still standing, the stinker!), and she thought there may have been a power line down on their street, too.
I think maybe I was called to be a reporter. Just thinking about it, I'm really itching to get out and see what's going on everywhere else! lol!
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