Thursday, February 14, 2008

Why I do not like Valentine's Day

I dislike Valentine's Day. No, I hate it! There are many reasons I dislike Valentine's Day so much, and every single one of them has something to do with my husband.

Before we got married, he gave me gifts for Valentine's Day. Before we were married, he also gave gifts for my birthday and Christmas, but now I'm getting off the subject. It seems as if the marriage license has afforded him a reason to stop giving any kind of gifts altogether. He never gives me ANYTHING. Never. And I hate it. I need so much more attention than this man gives me! He KNOWS this. Why won't he change it? I don't know. I don't think I'd even know how to react anymore if he brought me a gift. I really don't!

I hear some women say, "Oh, I don't need a gift. My husband does things and gives me things all the time, so why would I expect something on a certain day?" Well... that's not my husband either. He just does not give anything. Ever. He does not give gifts, and he does not like to get them. Obviously "gifts" is NOT his love language! Sometimes I think his love language must be complete ignorance. Ok, so I know that is not one of the love languages... Maybe I should write a book of my own about love. Or maybe I need to whack him over the head with a book. Nah, it probably wouldn't help.

I get so tired of listening to other women say, "Oh! My hubby is so sweet! He sent me (flowers, candy, etc) or took me wherever".... I just hate it! I'd love to put my fingers in my ears and sing a song... maybe something like, "Love Bites!" Ugh!

These are the days that I allow myself to feel crappy. I know there is nothing coming for me, and I manage to allow me to feel sorry for myself!

I really am not unhappy in my marriage, but it seems like I always feel extremely unloved on these stupid days. I know I'm not... but I manage to let myself feel like it!

I'm ready to wake up tomorrow. Stupid Valentine's Day will be over with, and I can go on with my life. At least until September, when my darling husband will forget it's our anniversary because it doesn't matter to him. How could I have been married to this man for nearly 10 years and still get upset every single holiday?

Ok, I think I'm finished... So I'm off to clean up my face and put on some more mascara since mine is now mostly gone. I need to make myself look presentable and find my fake smile so that I can go help with Delaney's class Valentine party today!


Jerri Dalrymple said...

Awwww...sweetie, I'm so sorry you had such a rotten day. Have you tried talking to him about this issue? Maybe if he knew how important it was to you or how much it meant in the long run, he'd act differently??? Just a thought. Take care and I'll say a prayer!