Friday, February 22, 2008

I'm sooo ready for spring!

There's talk in the weather forecast that we'll get snow and/or ice today and tonight. I don't want snow and ice. I need sunshine!

I need out of this house so bad... All I can do the last couple of days is cry. Winter is always so hard on me, but it's especially hard when Mike doesn't have enough work to do, but he's still gone all the time... we're so behind on our bills. I feel like I just worry! I've noticed that I'm getting frown lines and white hairs. I'm too young for that stuff! My husband actually told me to go get some hair color. Well then! That made me feel all wonderful and happy inside, dontcha know... We can't afford hair color anyhow!

I've not blogged in over a week... mainly because I can't seem to find a happy thought. Everything feels crappy and gray right now.

I have a history of depression... I sooo don't want to go there. I don't want to take those meds again. Is it too much to ask that I just feel happy!? Ugh!

It would be so nice to have another adult in the house. I could really use just an hour to myself, but I can't seem get away from children in this house. They follow me wherever I go, and they're only making me grumpy with their whining and arguing. Of course, I don't know that I really want to go out in public right now. There is so much sickness everywhere, and I sure don't want to catch anything! But it's so depressing, being cooped up in the house all the time... I don't know how much more of this I can handle... Lord, please help me to get past this funk I'm in!


Sherry said...

(((Hugs)) If I lived near you, I'd come and save you - or at least watch your kids for you so that you could get a break. =]