Monday, February 25, 2008

The note inside my refrigerator that made my day

Have you ever just had one of those days? Well, last week I had one of those days... all week long!

ByFriday night, I'd had more than I could take. I got the girls ready, told them to get in the car, and we all went to Cracker Barrel! I needed out of the house so bad I'd have probably been happy to go to McDonald's. LOL!

After Cracker Barrel, we went to Kohls. All we did in there was use the bathroom and chase Jenna! So we left for Target, where I strapped Jenna in a shopping cart! LOL! We didn't really even buy anything, but we looked at shoes and pretty dresses and Easter baskets... it just felt good to see signs of SPRING!!

My poor husband had been listening to me all week. He could tell I was really down!! He had listened to me whine and been pretty patient with me... On Saturday night he told me that he really appreciated what I was doing to try and help out (I've taken on babysitting two kids to try and relieve our financial stress, which I sometimes feel is more stressful than working at a "real" job!).

At about 4:15 am on Sunday morning, the phone rang. It was Mike, and he was trying to get in the door through the garage. I had to go let him in... he was home just long enough to take a shower and head to where he was picking up a load of cows.

When I got up at 7 am, I noticed a black handprint on the handle of the refrigerator, and I almost got upset! I started to scrub it off, and opened up the fridge for some milk to put in my coffee... I saw two cans of Dr Pepper (which is like a little stess relief in a can for me, lol)... between them was a note on a little yellow piece of paper that said, "I love you... Mike".

How sweet! It really made my day. So much that I took a picture of the inside of my refrigerator!
Funny how two cans of pop and a little yellow piece of paper really made my whole day better. ;-)
THIS is the man I married. I haven't seen this part of him in a long time... and I really needed to see that in him again.


Sherry said...

Okay, I am crying. I LOVED reading this. I know you've been having a hard time and I've been thinking of you. What a keeper you've got! Hard working and sentimental now and then? Good for both of you! =D

Jerri Dalrymple said...

Hey! That is SO AWESOME! I know how much you needed that! ((((Stacy))))

agent713 said...

That is so wonderful :) Did you tell him how much it mean to you?

Stacy said...

Yes... I did tell him how much it meant to me! :)
Once in a blue moon he can do something really sweet... but we all know how often we see a blue moon. ;-) lol