Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Fill-In-The-Blank "Challenge"

This is a challenge issued by a group I'm a member of! Feel free to copy & paste to your own blog if you wish! :-)

1. My current favorite song is:
I don't knw that I have ONE particular song that's my favorite, but I find myself listening to the Casting Crowns CD, LIFESONG a lot lately. There are several songs on that particular CD that really provoke thought... at least for me!
One of my favorite songs (on another Casting Crowns CD) is "Voice of Truth". It really made me stop and think about what voices I have been listening to in my life.

2. The last book I read was:
What makes you think *I* have time to read? I generally read The Poky Little Puppy or The Very Hungry Caterpillar for entertainment.

3. The last book I bought was:
My Spiritual Inheritance by Juanita Bynum--I'm currently in a Sunday School class at our church that is being taught on this book... not that I've even had the opportunity to open the book. I am very much looking forward to reading it though, especially after taking this class!!

4. The last cd I bought was:
Oh, dear. You're asking me to remember waaayyy back. I would say the last CD I bought was the Curious George Soundtrack. Gotta love that Jack Johnson!! :)

5. Another CD I wanted but didn't buy is:
The newest Mercy Me CD... or something Christmas-y.

6. Right now, I'm wearing:
PAJAMAS! It's nearly 10 pm, for pete's sake!! ;-)

7. The last gift I bought was:
A couple of toys for some kids we adopted for our Brownie troop. We adopted a boy and a girl from the public school system who aren't so fortunate this year. I actually feel honored that we're able to help someone out this year.

8. The last time I laughed heartily and loudly:
Yesterday. Jenna has started to DANCE! Any time there is music, she sort of gallops in a circle, clapping her hands & giggling. I just love being able to watch her grow and learn new things each day!

9. My favorite holiday ornament is:
There's the sparkly "Baby's First Christmas" stork on my Christmas tree that has a picture of Delaney as a baby.
There's the angel that Mike & I picked out our first year that we were married. She was cheap. We couldn't afford much. And her lights don't work anymore. But she symbolizes that first Christmas together. And for me, she symbolizes the host of angels that came to tell the shepherds that the new king had arrived on that very first Christmas.
And there's the silver teddy bear that symbolizes Jenna's first Christmas, just last year.
How could I ever choose just one?

10. My house smells like:
An apples & cinnamon candle!

11. The first thing on my to-do list tomorrow is:
Go to the tag office in Westville, OK... I have to go and file for a lost title on our van so that I can tag it in Arkansas. They won't do it without our title! The tag expires this month, so that means I'll have to forge my dear hubby's name on the title... since I probably won't see him until the week of Christmas.

12. If I could sit on Santa's lap and believe that he'd bring me whatever toy I wished for, I'd ask for:
Oh, honestly! Do we have to go over this again? I want a Nikon digital SLR camera. Period. I don't want snow (PLEASE! No snow!). Peace on Earth would be nice though. But just being together with my kids & my hubby on Christmas day--that's probably the best gift I could ask for!

13. If I could holiday shop in ONE store, all expenses paid, I'd shop at:
Bedford Camera and Video. The one on College in Fayetteville, preferably. (Again... did we really have to ask this question? LOL!)

14. If an angel alighted on my doorstep today and said, "I'm here to grant a Christmas wish," I'd wish for:
Wow. Only ONE wish?
I would love to see our church be able to complete the buiding project we're about to embark on.
I would like to see Jesus return very soon.
I would like to have my grandparents back, even if only for a little while. I missed so much because I was ignorant.
I would like to see my brother and sister-in-law reunited with the baby they lost 6 years ago.

15. When I see a bell ringer while out shopping, I:
Smile & tell them, "Merry Christmas!" If I have money, I try to drop a little in the bucket. I like to let Delaney do it though.