Friday, December 29, 2006

10 Things About Me

10 Things About Me

1. I love peanut butter. I think I could eat a whole jar. I love it on waffles or pancakes, in a sandwich, mixed with syrup, or just on a spoon. I just love the stuff!

2. I was engaged twice before I met my husband. Once was when I was a teenager, and it was truly out of stupidity. Second time I was truly in love, but he wanted different things out of life than I did--and he was older and ready to get on with life faster than I was!

3. Every month, I worry about how we're going to pay our bills. This time of year is the worst... it also seems to be when everything "blows up" at once! Ugh. There is only $4 in our savings account right now!

4. I do not hate people who are gay/lesbian. I simply do not agree with their lifestyle.

5. I like ketchup on my scrambled eggs.

6. I love brownies. I could eat a whole pan! This is why we rarely have brownies in our house.

7. I have always dreamed of having a big house. Thanks to God and my husband, that dream has come true! It's not gigantic by any means, but it's twice the size of the mobile home we lived in before we moved in!

8. I only have one sibling. My brother is 3 1/2 years younger than me. I have always wished I had a sister. I tell my little girls all the time how blessed they are to have each other!

9. In high school, I wore a size 7. I also wore Wranglers and boots almost every day. These days, I find myself thanking God for the inventor of stretchy pants. LOL

10. I am really frustrated with my husband's job. I think truck drivers often get the "short end of the stick", plus this time of year is really slow for cattle (he hauls cattle). If things don't pick up, I am going to scream. I love having him home, but he's not making a dime when he's snoring on the couch... I am thinking of trying to learn how to broker loads myself out of the house. That would keep me at home, and it would keep some money coming in... Plus he could do it when he's home because he would LOVE it. If we made enough money at it, he might quit driving & stay home with me... We've talked about buying more trucks, but we we can't afford the one we have at the moment--it's been in the shop too much lately!! (So... whoever may be reading this, please just send up a little prayer that our finances would improve very soon.)