I just want to make a statement declaring my stand on the issue of abortion. I feel that abortion in any form, at any stage of pregnancy, is murder. It is WRONG--plain and simple!
A baby is a blessing--not a "punishment" as Mr. Obama stated during his campaign for President.
I do believe that Mr. Obama is in need of an education where the issue of human life is concerned.
Do you know how many people are not able to have children of their own? I'm positive that those couples would be happy to adopt and take care of a child that another mother isn't able to care for. My nephew is adopted, and he's an incredible blessing to this family. If his mother had chosen not to give him life, he would not be a part of our family today.
I understand that not all people will share my opinion, but mine is based on my faith, my belief that life begins at the moment of conception and my knowledge of God's commandments. I do not believe that God intended for us to kill innocent lives simply because they are "unplanned" or "unwanted". There is NO human being that was unplanned by God. HE knew. He planned. He wanted them. It is dispicable what we are doing! Can we not see how much blood we have on our hands!? We, as a nation, will pay for this. We will all have to stand in front of God on our judgement day and answer to Him. What will we say?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Declaring my Stand
Posted by Stacy at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Money--it's the ultimate stressor!
Our Peterbilt spent its second day in the shop today. Mike went to OkCity to have the clutch and the transmission seal replaced. He doesn't trust anybody to work on our equipment or vehicles, and I'm positive that he has watched them like I hawk. He told me this afternoon he was ready to go and weld something for the guy because he didn't like the way the mechanic was doing it.
Why he is such a perfectionist with the truck is beyond me... he certainly doesn't do that with anything else! I mean... we put a light fixture above our kitchen bar a couple of months ago, and there's been a nail sticking out ever since. THAT doesn't seem to bother him so much. (Other than the nail, he did an excellent job & I do appreciate that he did it!)
So far this week, we have spent a lot of money (who knows how much, honestly!)... but have not yet made a dime. I'm a little irritated about it, but I have not said one word. I've been trying so hard to hold my tongue, to control my temper.
Yesterday I went to the chiropractor. I had been there about 5 minutes when he asked me what I was so stressed out about. I was there for an hour! Poor doc. Of course, I explained that I have no control over my husband's job, and I don't make any money that supports us in any way...
Money (or lack thereof) is the ultimate stressor. It's been blamed for so many things. Mike says there is always money to be made, but you have to be DOING something in order to make that true. It doesn't just fall out of the allergy trees--I mean oak trees--in our front yard. Of course he knows that, but I wish we could just agree on how to spend it.
So, here I am. Complaining. Venting. My neck is starting to hurt just thinking about it... I probably just need to make a big ol' chocolate cake and take a hot bath!
I just hope my husband doesn't read this. LOL!
Posted by Stacy at 7:16 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Family Photo
I've decided that Thanksgiving day is an excellent time to get a family photo because my sister-in-law, Jen can take the photo for us & I'll use it as our Christmas card photo! :)
Here's what we got this year...
Posted by Stacy at 4:50 PM 0 comments
Another quiz "for fun"... what kind of friend are you?
Your Friendship Style is Empathetic |
![]() You deeply care about each person you're friends with. For you, friendship is all about the personal connection. You tend to know everything about your friends' lives... and they know everything about yours. Your friends are your confidants. You are always there for your friends. You celebrate their successes and support them in their times of need. You are as loyal as they come. And you expect the same loyalty and understanding from your friends in return. You and another Empathetic Friend: Have a amazing friendship, when it works. You care for each other deeply, but you often end up with hurt feelings and drama. You and a Gregarious Friend: May have a bit of a one sided friendship. You adore your Social Friend, but you sometimes feel a bit neglected. You and an Independent Friend: Struggle a bit. You are very interested in your Independent Friend's life, but your friend often needs more space. You and a Philosophical Friend: Respect one another. You love to learn about your Philosophical Friend's brilliant ideas. |
Posted by Stacy at 1:08 PM 0 comments
What flavor ice cream are you?
You Are A Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Girl |
![]() Creative. Expressive. Unique. |
Posted by Stacy at 12:57 PM 0 comments
Delaney's report card
On Monday, Delaney brought home her report card for the previous 9-week grading period. She had all good grades (As and Ss), and asked if we could go to Cracker Barrel to celebrate.
This is one of those things I wish I'd stashed back some money for becasue we just can't afford to eat out this week... and now I feel guilty because I want to give her that reward for doing well!
There was one thing on her report card that I expected, but was still disappointed to see... she's still having a problem with talking out-of-turn. She says it's because the other kids around her are asking her questions, but I know Delaney better than that. She will get in a word whenever she sees an opportunity.
She's too much like her mama. The little stinker.
Posted by Stacy at 12:16 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Goin' to the Chapel...
But it's not me getting married, silly! lol! I'm going to a wedding tonight. The bride is Devon, a girl I babysat when I was about 15, and it's unreal to me that she's old enough to get married!! She's very dear to my heart!
As soon as they are married, they are leaving for California--he's in the Marines and is stationed there. It makes me sad to think of her leaving, but at the same time I understand that she's living a life she has dreamed of!
I can't wait to see her in all her glory as a glowing bride. My girls are even excited. I don't think they have even been to a wedding before, so this will be their first--so I'm anxious to see how they react as well.
So, I've had the song in head all day... and I thought I'd just share my little "tune wedgie". lol!!
So, without further ado...
"We're goin' to the chapel and we're gonna get married... goin' to the chapel of love!"
Yep. Go ahead and sing it. You know you want to. :)
Posted by Stacy at 1:14 PM 1 comments
Friday, January 09, 2009
Strep had found its way to our house :(
Unfortunately, it's true. The school nurse called me about 1:30 this afternoon & said she had Delaney in her office with 102 temp and swollen tonsils. I knew then that we had been struck.
I called the doctor's office to make an appointment, quickly dried my hair (I had just washed it, thankfully!) and threw some clothes on Jenna, who was playing Wii in her jammies!
I picked Delaney up & we went directly to the doctor's office. When we got there, her temp was 101... and she had broken out all over in a rash! She tested positive for strep, so Dr. Alexander also checked Jenna's throat. It was red & her glands were swollen, so she just went ahead and wrote 2 prescriptions for antibiotics.
Delaney said she wanted pills because she's big enough to swallow them now... but when we got home from the pharmacy, she didn't know if she was going to get it down! Thankfully it went on down, and hopefully we'll finish up the bottle with no problems!
Mike had strep about a month ago, and it's been going around in all the schools in town... so it really was just a matter of time before it made its way to my kiddos. I'm just glad for Delaney's teacher, who noticed that she didn't look right and sent her to the nurse's office!
Posted by Stacy at 4:46 PM 0 comments
A Funny From Jenna
Yesterday Jenna was helping me sort coupons as I clipped them. She held each one up to her nose to smell it, and then held it to mine for me to sniff. She kept saying, "Mmmm. This one smells yummy!"
Of course, to me they smelled like newspaper. Oh, to have that 3-year-old imagination! :)
On another note... I just imported my blog into Facebook. I hope this is not a decision I live to regret, as I tend to write what I feel--which could possibly leave me open for a good reaming on occasion!! :-o Anyhow, hopefully that will not happen 'cause I don't handle criticism very well!
Posted by Stacy at 11:21 AM 0 comments