As far as I'm concerned, luck doesn't even exist in this situation. When Mike called me at 10:45 pm on August 22nd to tell me he had a wreck, all I could do was stop and pray. I had to thank God for saving my husband!
The trailer full of cattle should have turned over. But the truck jackknifed in a way that the trailer came to rest on the frame of the truck instead. Thank the Lord. If that truck had turned over, it could have killed all the cattle he was carrying--as well as my husband.
When he took me to the body shop to see the truck, he thought I was going to flip out. I didn't. I think he thought I was nuts because I said all I can do right now is just thank God that you're alive!
So, for those who want to see what it looks like when a semi meets a herd of cattle in the middle of the highway in the dark... here are a couple of photos. This is what $42,000 worth of damage looks like, just in case you ever wondered...

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