Thursday, August 30, 2007

Mike had an accident~the Kenworth is totaled

I'm finding myself with a jumble of thoughts inside my head... so I can only pray that they have made thier way out in such a way that they will make sense!

Mike had an accident last week, and our Kenworth is totaled... Thank God that my husband is ok. He came so close to so many different things happening that would have killed him or seriously injured him. Angels were definitely with him!!

The accident was last Wednesday night (August 22nd). He called me just befor 11 pm, right after I had drifted off to sleep. I was barely coherent until he started talking about screeching tires and the trailer nearly turning over. That caught my attention enough to wake me up. I was scared to death... all I could do was pray until I fell back to sleep. But I know I didn't sleep much that night.

Seems that a farmer had left his gate open (or someone knocked it open--it's still not completely clear)... there were several cows in the road--black ones, and it was pitch dark. Mike didn't see them until he got close enough that he couldn't stop.

Mike said that he skidded sideways down the highway & the trailer jackknifed. He plowed down a line of trees. The truck's fenders are gone, and the hood is all smashed up. The front axle came out from underneath the truck. I told him I wanted to see pictures of it (our insurance company requires pictures, so I had wanted to see them too)... he didn't want me to see them. It must be worse than he is telling me.

He told me that the truck finally stopped just before it hit "the biggest tree in Texas", in his words... he said he knew he would have been dead if he'd hit that tree. He said that he kept seeing the trailer teetering in his rear view mirror, but somehow it didn't flip over... that would have caused the tractor to flip over as well, quite possibly killing him.

He had a trailer load of cattle, and amazingly, none of them were injured. They were really tossed around, and they made the trailer teeter again when they all stood back up.

Twelve of the farmer's cows died that night on the highway. Seven of them were killed by our truck. One was killed by a pickup coming from the other direction. Four were injured badly enough that they had to be shot at the scene. So sad. And it could have been prevented if someone had just paid attention to the gate.

All of this has really made me question our very existence and what we're doing with our lives... but Mike doesn't seem to be affected in quite the same way. I pray. I thank God for his protection, and I ask Him to place angels on guard. Mike gets on the phone. He looks for another truck online. For him, it's like life just goes on. You get right back on the horse. He and I are so different. Very different. Sometimes enough that we seem to have nothing at all in common.

We're still waiting for insurance to come back with an amount because they're waiting on the axle (which came out from under the truck) to be shipped to where the rest of the truck was towed. It's ridiculous that it should take over a week, but that's what they're waiting on. I guess I could go get it myself, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't fit in the back of my minivan. I'd have to rent a dually truck & a lowboy trailer. I don't see that happening, but it's pretty tempting.

When will this ever end? It seems like we have one bad spell after another... Why can't things just work out like we want them to once in a while? I take it to heart, letting myself believe that we somehow deserve this disastrous occurrence. I know better. God has seen us through so much. He's certainly not going to give up now. As long as I keep the faith. I have to believe. I must believe.

I am a believer that all things happen for a reason. I may never know the reason, but I know that God has a plan. It is obvious to be that He is not finished with my husband. He could have easily died that night, but he is still with me. He knows that my girls need a daddy and I need a husband. There is a reason. He has a plan. Thank God for his divine plan.


Adelia said...

You are in my prayers. Praise God that your husband was and is protected. Don't let your words and prayers waiver. God has a plan for you and your family, trust that and know that. My family used to always say, when it rains it pours, or we've hit rock bottom and now just sliding on across. But now I realize that the rain helps prepare the growth that ends up being the bountiful harvest...don't grow weary in well doing, Stacy. My heart empathizes for and with you. Definitley praying for your family.