Friday, August 10, 2007

Where did the summer go?

School starts for my first-grader (yes, it's hard to believe that she's that old!) on August 20th. That's only 10 days from now! Where did the summer go?

We have hardly done anything all summer... it's not that we didn't want to, but that we couldn't afford to!

Mike has been working all the time, trying to get us caught up on all the bills we got behind on from such a bad winter & spring. But it doesn't seem to be working fast enough. Before we know it, winter will be here again... then it all starts over again. All I can do is pray that God will provide the jobs, and that the truck stays in good shape to take them.

The girls & I went to Branson with my mom for two nights...We spent the most of three days shopping and doing fun things. Delaney refers to this as her "vacation." It was really nice.

It's been so hot out thatI haven't wanted to be outside! My girls haven't spent a lot of time outside because I have such a fear of heat exhaustion. When it's near 100 degrees, I much prefer to keep my babies inside. Maybe that makes me crazy, but I am what I am...

I am looking forward to the start of school, but I'm not at the same time. Delaney is ready, but Jenna won't like having big sis out of the house every day, all day long. I am going to babysit two kids during the school year though, so hopefully Jenna won't miss her as much with someone else around to play with!