Here are 10 pictures I took today! My theme for today is "Signs of Spring".
This first one is downtown... it rained so much over night that the creek was coming out of its banks!

Here's a different view... there's a bridge under there!

This is what it looks like in my back yard. There is water way up around the pool, and it's a soggy mess back there!


Azaleas are blooming...

Creeping Phlox is beautiful out by the little goldfish pond...

Apple tree is all blossomed out, so pray we don't have a hard freeze! :)

Here's the pile of lumber we bought to finish out our privacy fence in the back yard...

Here's where it's supposed to go, and I pray that it gets done before Christmas 2010! Ha ha... :p

And here's the little spot I cleared out by accident when I set the leaves on fire over the winter... (for those who don't recall, I dumped out ashes I thought were cold, but it turned out they were still hot and set some leaves on fire!). It was a little bit brushy back there, but not anymore! Oops!

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