Last night the girls & I were at my parents' house visiting with my mom, and we had just put away the toys and gotten ready to come back home... Jenna took off running across the living room, tripped, and fell face-first into the corner of their cast iron wood stove.
I picked her up, expecting to see a scratch or a bruise--she falls all the time. But it was more than a scratch. She was screaming, and I suddenly had blood all over my shirt and she had it all over her hands. My mom ran for a washcloth, and I ran to the car, hollering at them to hurry up! Apparently Delaney couldn't find her shoes, and it probably took them a full minute to get out the door. To me, it was ten minutes. my baby was bleeding, and I couldn't even see her cut for the blood.
We got to the emergency room, and we ONLY had to wait 4 hours. Ugh. You would think people could visit for an emergency, but I guess not! Everyone else in there looked perfectly fine compared to my sweet little angel and her bleeding eyebrow! Everyone was commenting and asking us what happened to her.
We got to the ER at 9:00 pm, and at about 1 am, the doctor finally got to see us. He was extremely nice, and I really appreciated the bedside manner of both him and the nurse who helped. So I certainly couldn't complian about waiting for him. We had to wrap Jenna in a bed sheet to keep her arms down while he gave her a shot and sewed up her eye. I think she has 6 stitches. I was having a hard time counting while trying to keep her calm. The doctor worked fast, and he was great with her.
Delaney cried. I think my mom did, too. I couldn't even think of crying--I just had to concentrate on holding my baby down!
Here is a photo of Jenna last night. She went to sleep as soon as she was in the car. The pressure dressing is wrapped around her head to keep the swelling down.

And here she is this morning, with the pressure dressing off. (Sorry for the bad pic quality--I hate my current digital because it's moody!)

She was telling me that her eye was sore this morning, so I showed her in the mirror what she looked like. She looked at herself really strange and said, "Mommy! What happen my eye!?" Poor baby! I don't know if she forgot that she fell and hurt herself. I only hope that she won't have a scar to have to remember it by!
By the way... she DOES look MUCH better as the day goes on. There is almost no swelling, and she hasn't said anything else about it. In fact, she has been dancing around and acting like Jenna. Right now she is talking to her granny on her toy phone.
I know she will be fine, but I would still appreciate prayers for no scars and no infection! I have to take her back in a week to get the stitches out.
Oh, and by the way... Delaney is almost 7 and Jenna is 2 1/2, and this is the FIRST time we have been to the ER for anything. In fact, we have probably only been to the doctor for a "sick" visit 3 or 4 times. We have been very blessed!
Oh how scarey. But the angels were watching over and let it only be her eyebrow and not the eye. I know exactly how you felt. Tyler ran up behind Rhyan, who was swinging a baseball bat, and was whack in the eyebrow area. He had jsut turned 6.
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