Saturday, March 10, 2007

Wow. I'm a minivan-driving soccer mom

Yesterday, I came to a realization. It was like it suddenly occurred to me that I've turned into someone I never really thought I'd be.

I guess I never thought I'd drive a minivan or have a child playing soccer. I remember thinking that I'd never be anything but skinny. I thought my hair would always be strawberry blonde, and I'd never get those little lines around my eyes. I guess I must have thought I'd be (or look like I was) seventeen forever.

But here I am!! And I don't think I've ever been happier in my entire life.
I do still miss that old Camaro (my first car) sometimes though... I remember feeling like I could turn the boys' heads...

My oh my, how the times have changed. Sometimes I wonder if I'd ever turn another head (not that I really want to turn any except my hubby's!). I wonder if I'll ever get back into a size seven. I wonder if there's a hair color in a bottle that matches the color I used to have.

Oh, to be a teenager again!! :)

To make it even funnier... Mike said the other day that he wants to buy me a Camaro 'cause he thinks I'd be cute driving one. Sometimes I just wanna squeeze that man... :)