Thursday, February 05, 2009

Tag--You're It! 25 Random Things About Me

This is something I was tagged to do on Facebook, so I thought I'd go ahead and stick it on my blog, too. :)

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I am a Christian and a child of the Almighty God. I believe that His only son was born to save my soul and give me eternal life! I love my God, and I love my church.

2. I am the mother of two of the most beautiful little girls in the entire world. Delaney turned 8 last October, and Jenna will be 4 in April. They are the light in my world, and I can’t imagine my life without them.

3. I have been married for 10 years to a man I love very dearly. Our parents tried to keep us from getting married, and even the pastor that married us thought we shouldn’t get married. I’m very happy to say that we’ve proven them all wrong. I am so much more in love with my husband now that I was 10 years ago!

4. When I was pregnant with Delaney, I was so tired that I went to bed as soon as I got home from work every afternoon. Mike woke me up to make me eat supper, and then I went back to bed til morning!

5. I have struggled with depression, and did for several years. I was depressed to a point where I felt like I was in a deep, dark hole that I would never find my way out of. I don’t think people actually knew how bad I was, and Mike didn’t understand it—he just thought I needed to be committed! My doctor actually advised me to get involved in a church. I did just that, after being out of church for several years, and I firmly believe that the Lord has delivered me out of that darkness. I have not taken anti-depressant medication since August 2003 (which was when I found out I was going to have Jenna). Praise God!

6. I have a very hard time saying no when I’m asked to help. I’m learning.

7. My older daughter was 4 months old when my husband decided to become a truck driver. He didn’t really ask my opinion—just decided it was what we needed because we were struggling financially, and he believed he could make a better living than he was making at that time. It’s been our life ever since. I wouldn’t recommend it. I’ve been a highway widow for 8 years this month.

8. I have a very hard time following my dreams because I greatly fear what others think of me. I have an incredible fear of what they will say! What would I do if someone criticized my work? I’d shrivel up and die of embarrassment.

9. I want to be a photographer when I grow up. I’m working on that, too. That’s one of those dreams I was talking about in #8.

10. I like to get up before everyone else in the morning. I need a little time alone to wake up—otherwise my whole day is wrecked, and I’ll probably be a complete grump. I really don’t like that about myself!

11. I have a fear of heights and falling. It’s an unfounded, irrational fear. I know this, but I still have the fear nonetheless.

12. I lost my first grandparent when I was 13. When I turned 27, I lost the last one. I miss them all so much, and I can’t wait to see them again! I have often dreamed about walking through that big ol’ gate and seeing them all sitting on the edge of a fountain waiting for me.

13. I love my house. When I was younger, I remember driving past it and thinking it was pretty. Now it’s mine! It’s twice the size of any house I’ve lived in before.

14. My housekeeping skills are horrid. It’s not that I don’t know how to clean—I would just rather watch a movie with the kids instead.

15. I love doing thing with my hands. I loved to crosstitch back when it didn’t give me a headache (I need to visit my lovely neighbor across the street for some glasses! Lol!), and I love to scrapbook, stamp and make greeting cards.

16. I love to read, but here we go back to the glasses/headache thing. Yikes. (Anyone have the eye doc’s phone number handy?)

17. I love to sing. My husband says I have a beautiful voice (thanks, honey!), and Delaney will ask me to sing certain songs, too… but here we go back to the fear of what others might think. I’ve never used it. Too afraid.

18. My favorite color is red. And purple. And sage green. And turquoise. 

19. I am a total cheapskate. If I can get it for free, I would. If I can get it cheap, that’s great too. My family only gets brand new clothes when they’re on the clearance rack. Otherwise I scour the racks at consignment and resale shops! If it’s on sale, we can have it for dinner this week. Sale with a coupon? Even better!

20. I tend to be rather forgetful. If you told me something this morning and I didn’t write it down, don’t expect me to remember it this afternoon!

21. I am very unorganized, and I have a clutter bug living in my house. It’s me. Oh, boy. I have many faults.

22. I am pretty sure I have a touch of OCD. I am one of those people that will check the alarm clock at least 3 times before I can even close my eyes. I will sometimes get up and check every door to be sure they are locked, too. I tend to count things in my head (like ceiling tiles or the number of bricks on a wall), and I “need” even numbers. Yes, I know I need counseling.

23. I have a very hard time trusting people. I have been let down, so I keep my guard up to keep it from happening again. There have been times that I have even given my husband the third degree, knowing full well that he is worthy of my trust. If I do open up to someone, it’s really hard for me. When the words come back to me that I have said to them in confidence, I retreat back into my shell once again. The shell may be dark, but it’s secure. In fact, this is something that happened recently and it’s affecting a relationship. I would like to know what makes me so terrified of people. They are only people, after all… and it really does not matter what they think of me. It’s God’s view of me that truly matters. I know this, so I don’t understand why I hide so much.

24. I love color. Love it! If I was meant to live in a black & white world, I’d be at least 70 by now.

25. I love flowers! Daisies and pink roses are my favorite (and they were in my wedding bouquet!). I made the mistake of telling my husband that an old boyfriend sent me roses once a month & it got old. I think my husband has sent me flowers 3 times in the 13 ½ years that I’ve known him. See? Mistake on my part. I am big enough to admit it when I’m wrong.


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