Thursday, January 18, 2007

No Time to Breathe

My hubby has been home for a couple of days.. I'm glad he's here and not out driving on the ice, but he starts to get on my nerves after a few days... lol! Being at home together 24/7 is much different from what we're used to, as he is usually out on the truck while I'm at home with our girls.

Tuesday night, he found out that his mom's electricity had been off for 4 days due to the recent ice storm. So yesterday he went all over town looking for a generator for her. They finally got one at our little local hardware store. Of course when she got back home, her electricity was back on. It was off for FOUR days, and I'm surprised she didn't try to do anything about it before then. She and grandma (her mom) came to our house to take a shower yesterday. We live in town, and we haven't been out of electricity except for the hour on Sunday night.
I think I'll change the subject before I go into a mother-in-law rant... 'cause I think I could go on for days. (insert rolling eyes here! lol)

My dear husband just went out to help his mom unload the generator out of the back of her pickup... so this is the first time I've been able to sit at the computer for more than 5 minutes since he got home on Tuesday night. When he's at home, I feel like all I do is cook and clean and do load after load of laundry!! Last night it was about 8:15, and I had just gotten both kids in bed (by myself--he doesn't usually help!). I went to sit down in my rocking chair, and he looked at me... So I snapped at him, "Is it not okay with you if I sit down for just 5 minutes!?" Gracious. I entertained his family for at least 2 hours, cooked 3 meals, and I must have washed/dried/folded at least 4 loads of laundry! I was ready for a rest!!

He didn't say anything. Lucky for him 'cause I might have smacked him. I was really tired. I don't think he realizes that this is what I do My entire life is centered around raising his children and keeping his house clean!! I know I am very blessed to be able to stay at home with the kids, and I'm glad I can. But sometimes I feel like I don't have a life outside my own front door.

Wow. I think I'm shocked at myself for even saying it. I am supposed to be joyful about taking care of my family and my home... why does that come so hard sometimes?