Thursday, February 05, 2009

Fun with glitter~a valentine-making adventure

Tonight at our Girl Scout meeting, I had the girls make up valentines that we're going to take to a local nursing home. I thought it would be fun to use some glitter and glitter glue in making them... boy, was that ever fun. lol!

There were a couple of girls that made me a little nervous as they approached the glitter section of the table we had set up. One of them dumped it on so that I was afraid there would be nothing left in the jar. And then Delaney had to pick up the box lid I had put down to contain the leftover glitter that had been shaken off--of course glitter went flying everywhere.

Oh, what a mess. But at least it was a pretty mess! Ha ha.

The best part? We meet in the fellowship hall at my church. Our pastor and the school board members (there's a school at our church) were coming in right after us for a meeting, so we rushed to clean up and make room for them. I could still see glitter in the carpet when we left, but Pastor said it was no big deal--sparkly is not a bad thing. ;-)

After I left, I realized that I hadn't wiped the glitter off any of the chairs... I can just imagine those grown men going home tonight with glitter on their rear ends.
