Thursday, January 24, 2008

Second part of my dream~it just gets better :)

This is a continuation from my last post... I wanted to make sure I knew what I was talking about when I wrote about this part. lol!

I called C to pick her brain, and she laughed. She told me exactly what she felt God was trying to tell me when the dream. She's so insightful! Love that woman. :)

The dream...
Remember that my house was on fire, so I was determined to get everyone out.

When I came out of the house into the garage, I buckled all of the kids into the van (I had the two I have been babysitting plus my own two). I looked back up from buckling everyone, my garage was no longer the same. It had become a giant expanse. There was Mike's semi truck parked behind mine, and there were two other semi trucks.

I started trying to find the door to get out, and I didn't see one. The door to get back into my house had disappeared. The van was suddenly gone. I was in this huge, open space with 3 semi trucks.

The interpretation...
Basically, the Lord is sending me a message of prosperity that I could not understand. I had worked out little pieces, but I needed help!

C told me that God is trying to tell me that if I will only trust Him, He will make a way through all of our troubles. That He wants to give us a tremendous blessing beyond what we can comprehend. That He is ready to give us that, but we have to believe for it. We must trust God to get us through this rough time. All we have to do is trust Him!

Right now we're believing Him to provide for milk! How could He do this for us? I know that God alone has the power. I believe. I have faith. I must remain standing. I must be strong and keep on believing. I must not allow my faith to waiver! No matter what the enemy tries to throw at me.

Why would God want to do such a thing for me? Because He loves me beyond anything I can comprehend. I am His child!

So, there you have it. That's my dream... and the interpretation from someone I trust very much. I believe it is a message from the Lord.