Monday, August 13, 2007

Choosing Thankfulness

I'm enrolled in a Sunday School class at our church where we're studying the First Place book about thankfulness.

First place is a program that I'm doing along with the others in the class where we choose to change our diet to be healthier. We started it last Sunday, and I've already lost 2 pounds in one week! My goal weight is now only 38 pounds away. Yippee! :-D If this keeps up, I could lose up to 26 pounds by the time our Sunday school quarter is up! That would be awesome. I'm really hoping to set some healthy habits that will last, for myself and for my children!

Back to the thankfulness part... We've been challenged to write down 5 things each morning & 5 things each evening for which we are thankful. There have already been days it's been pretty hard!

I figured I might share tonight's list, hoping that it might trigger a few more thankful thoughts. :)

Tonight, I am thankful to the Lord for:

* air conditioning (especially since it was 102 degrees today!)
* children who go to sleep easily and sleep all night
* my husband, and that he has a job that supports our family (even if it is a tight budget, we still have food to eat & a roof over our heads!)
* my church family (I'd be LOST without them!)
* my health, and the health of each of my children & my husband. I pray that we will always be healthy.
